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MIPS INteger and Floating Point Numbers

Integer Handling

Unlike NASM where numbers are stored as characters, MIPS can store single or multiple digit integers directly. This chapter describes how to read and print integers. Basic operations in integer handling (add, sub, mul, div) will also be covered.

1. Declaring an integer

Integers can be declared as constants in the ‘.data’ section as shown below:

Code to declare constants ‘x’ and ‘y’ with values 30 and 40 respectively:

x: .word 30 
y: .word 40

2. Loading an integer value into a register

Another way of using integers in MIPS is to read their values into temporary registers using ‘I’ type instructions. The two commonly used methods of reading integer values are:

  1. Loading a value into a temporary register.
  2. Adding the value of the zero register and any value into a temporary register.

Code to enter integer values 5 and 10 using add and load instructions respectively into temporary registers:

addi  $t0, $0, 5 
li $t1, 10

3. Reading integers as input from the user

Integers can be read from the user using syscall (system call) instructions. The system call code for reading an integer is ‘5’. This syscall code value must be loaded into the register $v0 in order to perform its designated function. The input is then stored in $v0.

Code to read an integer input from the user:

li $v0, 5 

4. Printing integers

Integers stored in registers can also be printed using syscall instructions. The system call code for printing an integer is ‘1’. This syscall code value must be loaded into the register $v0 in order to perform its designated function. The integer to be printed must be stored in the $a0 register.

Code to print the integer ‘5’ after storing it in a register:

li $a0, 5 
li $v0, 1 

We have now learnt how to store single and multi digit integers and how to print their values. We shall now combine all of these into a single program for a more robust understanding of the covered concepts.

Code to declare a constant x with value 10, load values 20 and 30 into two registers and read an integer value from the user and print all these values:

x: .word 10 
addi $t0, $0, 20   #load value 20 
li $t1, 30    #load value 30 
li $v0, 5     #read integer input
move  $t2, $v0   #move integer input 
lw $a0, x     #print x 
li $v0, 1 
move $a0, $t0    
li $v0, 1     #print value of $t0  
move $a0, $t1   #print value of $t1 
li $v0, 1 
move $a0, $t2   #print integer input 
li $v0, 1 
li $v0, 10    #exit program 

Output:Assume the value ‘5’ is entered by the user as input.

-- program is finished running --

5. Adding integers

Integers can be added in two ways, either by adding fixed or immediate values to an integer value stored in a register, or by adding two integers that are both stored in registers. Both methods to add integers are demonstrated below:

Code to add integer values stored in registers:

addi  $t0, $t1, 5   #t0=t1+5  
add $t2, $t2, $t1   #t2=t2+t1 
addi  $t1, $zero, 5   #t1=0+5 
add   $t2, $zero, $t1    #t2=0+t1

6. Subtracting integers

Unlike addition, values can only be subtracted if they are stored in a register.

Code to subtract integer values stored in registers:

sub $t2, $t2, $t1   #t2=t2-t1    
sub   $t2, $zero, $t1    #t2=0-t1

7. Multiplying integers

MIPS allows you to multiply the values present in two registers and stores the 32 most significant bits in the HI special register and the 32 least significant bits in the LO special register.

The value obtained in the HI and LO registers can be accessed using the mfhi and mflo instructions respectively.

Code to multiply two integers values and access the result after multiplication:

mult  $t0, $t1     #signed mult 
mflo  $s0     #s0=t0*t1 
multu $t2, $t3    #unsigned mult  
mflo  $s1     #s1=t2*t3

8. Dividing integers

Division in MIPS is similar to multiplication except for a key difference, the HI special register stores the remainder while the LO special register will hold the quotient of the division.

Code to divide to integers and access the remainder and quotient after division:

div $t1, $t2    #signed div 
mfhi  $s0     #s0=t1%t2 
mflo  $s1     #s1=t1/t2 
divu  $t3, $t4    #unsigned div 
mfhi  $s2     #s2=t3%t4 
mflo  $s3      #s3=t3/t4

Points To Note

1. Entering number of size larger than 32 bits The largest integer that can be entered in 32 bit space is 2,147,483,647. Entering a number larger than that results in the following error:

Runtime exception at 0x0040002c: invalid integer input (syscall 5)

2. Changing the value of $zero register It is not possible to change the value of the $zero register, any instructions that attempt to alter the value have no effect.

3. Multiplying numbers of size 32 bits In MIPS, all integer values must be 32 bits. So if there is a valid answer, it must be contained in the lower 32 bits of the answer. Thus to implement multiplication in MIPS, the two numbers must be multiplied using the mult operator, and the valid result moved from the lo register.

4. Division by zero If the divisor is zero, then the MIPS divide instructions do not compute any result in the HI and LO registers. Division by zero is ignored and no exception is produced.

5. Meaning of the .word directive The .word directive allocates 4 bytes of space in the data region. The .word directive can then be given an integer value, and it will initialize the allocated space to that integer value. Be careful as it is incorrect to think of a the .word directive as a declaration for an integer, as this directive simply allocates and initializes 4 bytes of memory, it is not a data type. What is stored in this memory can be any type of data.

Floating Point Numbers

Floating point numbers are stored according to the IEEE 754 Standard. There are 2 types of floating point numbers, single precision and double precision.

Floating point number representation

According to IEE 754 Standard, floating point numbers follow the given representation.

Sign Exponent Fraction

  • The sign bit is 0 or 1, for positive or negative respectively.

  • The exponent stores the exponent of the number in scientific notation of its binary representation, plus a bias.

  • The fraction stores the fractional part of the binary representation of the number.

DataSingle PrecisionDouble Precision
Size32 bits64 bits
Exponent size8 bits11 bits
Fraction size23 bits52 bits


  • Since there are some numbers with non-ending decimal part in there binary representation ( For Example- ( 1 /3) 10 = (0.01 0011 0011 0011 ....) 2 ) and we have only limited bits to store the fraction part, there will be some slight inaccuracy while storing certain floating point numbers. Therefore, it is recommended to always use double, as it has a higher precision due to its increased no. of bits.

MIPS floating point architecture

In MIPS, all floating point calculations are computed in a separate processor, called co- processor 1.

The coprocessor contains 32 floating point registers, each of width 32 bits. The registers are numbered from $f 0 to $f3 1.

Each register is can store a single precision floating point number, while double precision is stored in 2 registers in an even-odd pair. For instructions concerning double precision numbers, the even numbered register is used in the instruction. Using an odd numbered register will throw an error.

In addition to the registers, there are 8 condition flags, which are used in floating point compare and branch instructions.

Floating point registers in MIPS

$f0 - $f3Used for results of floating point procedures
$f4 - $f11Temporary floating point registers, whose values are NOT preserved across procedure calls
$f12 - $f15Floating point parameters, whose values are NOT preserved across procedure calls
$f16 - $f19More temporary floating point registers, whose values are NOT preserved across procedure calls
$f20 - $f31Saved floating point registers, whose values are preserved across procedure calls

Among the 32 registers, only $f 4 - $f 11 , $f 16 - $f 19 and $f 20 - $f 31 can be used by the programmer for storing values, as the others are reserved for special purposes.


  • Unlike the general purpose register $ 0 , $f 0 is not hardwired to be zero, and is used for storing results of procedures.

Declaring a Floating point number

  num1: .float 3.
  num2: .double 4.5 3

  .align 2 # Since float has 2^2 bytes
  float_arr: .space 100 it has to be aligned to 2

  .align 3 # Since double has 2^3 bytes it has to be aligned to 3
  double_arr: .space 100

Reading and Printing Floating point numbers

Reading and printing a floating point number is similar to that of an integer, using syscall, only difference being in the $v0 value and parameter registers.

Single precision

The $v0 value for reading a single precision floating point number is 6 while that of printing is 2.

  li $v0, 6 
  syscall    # The number is stored in $f0 
  li $v0, 2 
  mov.s $f12, $f0   # The number to be printed is moved to $f12 

Double precision

The $v0 value for reading a double precision floating point number is 7 while that of printing is 3.

  li $v0, 7 
  syscall    # The number is stored in $f0/$f1 
  li $v0, 3 
  mov.d $f12, $f0   # The number to be printed is 
  syscall     moved to $f12/$f13

Data Movement Instructions

Load single/doublel.s fdest, address l.d fdest, addressThe single/double floating-point stored in address is loaded onto register fdest
Store single/doubles.s fsrc, address s.d fsrc, addressThe single/double floating-point stored in register fsrc is stored to address
Move single/doublemov.s fdest, fsrc mov.d fdest, fsrcThe single/double floating-point stored in register fsrc is moved to register fdest
Move from coprocessor 1mfc1 dest, fsrcThe 32 - bit data from floating register fsrc is copied to general purpose register dest
Move to coprocessor 1mtc1 src, fdestThe 32 - bit data from general purpose register src is copied to floating point register fdest


  • There is no load immediate for floating point. So if a constant is needed, it has to be stored in the data segment and loaded to the required register.
  • For the move to/from coprocessor 1 instructions, the first operand is a general purpose register and the second one is the floating point register.

Arithmetic Instructions

Additionadd.s fdest, fsrc1, fsrc2
add.d fdest, fsrc1, fsrc
The single/double floating-point numbers stored in fsrc1 and fsrc2
are added and stored in register fdest
Subtractionsub.s fdest, fsrc1, fsrc2
sub.d fdest, fsrc1, fsrc2
The single/double floating-point number stored in fsrc
subtracted from fsrc1 and stored in register fdest
Multiplicationmul.s fdest, fsrc1, fsrc2
mul.d fdest, fsrc1, fsrc2
The single/double floating-point numbers stored in fsrc1 and fsrc2
are multiplied and stored in register fdest
Divisiondiv.s fdest, fsrc1, fsrc2
div.d fdest, fsrc1, fsrc
The single/double floating-point number stored in fsrc1 is divided by fsrc2
and the quotient is stored in register fdest
Negationneg.s fdest, fsrc
neg.d fdest, fsrc
The single/double floating-point number stored in fsrc
is negated (Sign changed) and stored in register fdest
Absolute valueabs.s fdest, fsrc
abs.d fdest, fsrc
Absolute value (Magnitude) of the single/double floating-point number stored in fsrc
is stored in register fdest
Square rootsqrt.s fdest, fsrc
sqrt.d fdest, fsrc
Square root of the single/double floating-point number stored in fsrc
is stored in register fdest

Sample Question 1

Given a temperature in Fahrenheit, convert it into Celsius (Input and output has to be floating point values).

Temperature in degrees Celsius = (Temperature in degrees Fahrenheit - 32 ) * 5 / 9.

  # Constants used for calculation 
  const1: .double 32.0 
  const2: .double 5.0 
  const3: .double 9.0 
  # User prompts 
  msg1: .asciiz "Enter the temperature in Fahrenheit: " 
  msg2: .asciiz "The temperature in Celsius is: " 

.globl main 
  li $v0, 4                    # Printing msg1 
  la $a0, msg1 
  li $v0, 7                    # Reading user input 
  mov.d $f12, $f0              # $f12 = User Input 
  l.d $f14, const1             # $f12 = $f12 - 32 
  sub.d $f12, $f12, $f14 
  l.d $f14, const2             # $f12 = $f12 * 5 
  mul.d $f12, $f12, $f14 
  l.d $f14, const3             # $f12 = $f12 / 9 
  div.d $f12, $f12, $f14 
  li $v0, 4                    # Printing msg2 
  la $a0, msg2 
  li $v0, 3                    # Printing final answer 
  li $v0, 10                   # Exit 

Comparison/Branch Instructions

Compare equalc.eq.s cc, fsrc1, fsrc2
c.eq.s fsrc1, fsrc2
c.eq.d cc, fsrc1, fsrc2
c.eq.d fsrc1, fsrc2
Sets the condition flag cc as 1 if the numbers in fsrc1
and fsrc2 are equal, 0 otherwise.
Compare less cc, fsrc1, fsrc2 fsrc1, fsrc2 cc, fsrc1, fsrc2 fsrc1, fsrc2
Sets the condition flag cc as 1 if the number in fsrc1
is less than that in fsrc2, 0 otherwise.
Compare less than or equal toc.le.s cc, fsrc1, fsrc2
c.le.s fsrc1, fsrc2
c.le.d cc, fsrc1, fsrc2
c.le.d fsrc1, fsrc
Sets the condition flag cc as 1 if the number in fsrc1
is less thanor equal to that in fsrc2, 0 otherwise.
Branch if truebc1t cc, label
bc1t label
Jumps to label if the condition flag cc is set as 1
Branch if falsebc1f cc, label
bc1f label
Jumps to label if the condition flag cc is set as 0


  • The condition flag can be omitted in the above instructions, in which case condition flag 0 is taken as default.
  • As there is no comparison instruction for “Not equal to”, it has to be implemented by reversing the required branch condition Ex. We need to branch to label if $f4 and $f6 are not equal. This can be written as
      c.eq.d $f4, $f6
      bc1.f label
  • For greater than and greater than and equal to, it is simpler to reverse the input registers. Ex. We need to branch to label if $f4 if greater than $f6. This can be written as
      c.le.d $f6 , $f4
      bc1.t label

Sample Question 2

Given an array of floating numbers of size n, print the maximum and minimum element

  # Array 
  .align 3 
  arr: .space 1000 
  # Characters 
  newline: .asciiz "\n" 
  # User Prompts 
  msg1: .asciiz "Enter n: " 
  msg2: .asciiz "Enter no. " 
  msg3: .asciiz ": " 
  msg4: .asciiz "The maximum no. is: " 
  msg5: .asciiz "The minimum no. is: " 
.globl main 
  li $v0, 4    # Print msg1 
  la $a0, msg1 
  li $v0, 5    # Read n 
  move $t0, $v0 
  li $t1, 0    # $t1 will be the loop variable  
               # going from 0,1,2.. 
  li $t2, 0    # $t2 will be the element indices 
               # going from 0,8,16.. 
  loop1:                      # Loop to read n elements 
    beq $t0, $t1, end_loop1   # Termination condition 
    li $v0, 4                 # Print msg2 
    la $a0, msg2 
    li $v0, 1                 # Print position of                    
    move $a0, $t1             # number to be inputted 
    addi $a0, $a0, 1 
    li $v0, 4                 # Print msg3 
    la $a0, msg3 
    li $v0, 7                 # Read input and  
    syscall                   # store in arr 
    s.d $f0, arr($t2) 
    addi $t1, $t1, 1   # Increamenting #t1  
    addi $t2, $t2, 8   # and $t2 
    j loop1 
  li $t1, 0    # Resetting $t1 and $t2 
  li $t2, 0 
  l.d $f4, arr($zero)  # $f4 stores the max value 
  l.d $f6, arr($zero)  # $f6 stores the min value

  loop2:                        # Loop to compute max and min 
    beq $t0, $t1, end_loop2     # Termination Condition 
    l.d $f8, arr($t2)           # Load a number from arr $f4, $f8             # Compare if the number is  
                                # greater than current max 
    bc1f not_max  
      mov.d $f4, $f8            # If yes then update new max 
    not_max: $f8, $f6             # Compare if the number is  
                                # less than current min 
    bc1f not_min 
      mov.d $f6, $f8            # If yes then update new min 
    addi $t1, $t1, 1            # Incrementing $t1 and $t2 
    addi $t2, $t2, 8 
    j loop2 
  li $v0, 4                      # Print msg4 
  la $a0, msg4 
  li $v0, 3                      # Print max number 
  mov.d $f12, $f4 

  i $v0, 4    # Print newline 
  la $a0, newline 
  li $v0, 4    # Print msg5 
  la $a0, msg5 
  li $v0, 3    # Print min number 
  mov.d $f12, $f6 
  li $v0, 10   # Exit 

Data Conversion Instructions

Conversion within floating point

Convert single to doublecvt.d.s fdest, fsrcThe single floating-point stored in fsrc is converted to double and stored in fdest
Convert double to singlecvt.s.d fdest, fsrcThe double floating-point stored in fsrc is converted to single and stored in fdest

Conversion to integers

Convert single to integercvt.w.s fdest, fsrcThe single floating-point stored in fsrc is converted to 32 bit integer (Ignoring the part after decimal point)
and stored in 2 ’s compliment form in fdest
Convert double to integercvt.w.d fdest, fsrcThe double floating-point stored in fsrc is converted to 32 bit integer (Ignoring the part after decimal point) and
stored in 2 ’s compliment form in fdest


  • The output of the above two instructions is in 2 ’s compliment form, which should not be used with any other instructions other than mfc1. Other instructions always assume the data in registers are according to IEEE standards, which can cause errors.

Conversion from integers

Convert integer to singlecvt.s.w fdest, fsrcThe data stored in fsrc is considered as an integer in 2 ’s compliment form and
is converted to single precision floating point and is stored in fdest
Convert integer to doublecvt.d.w fdest, fsrcThe data stored in fsrc is considered as an integer in 2 ’s compliment form and
is converted to double precision floating point and is stored in fdest

Special Instructions

Ceilingceil.w.s fdest, fsrc
ceil.w.d fdest, fsrc
The smallest integer not greater than the floating point number in fsrc
is stored in fdest in 2 ’s compliment form
Floorfloor.w.s fdest, fsrc
floor.w.d fdest, fsrc
The greatest integer not smaller than the floating point number in fsrc
is stored in fdest in 2 ’s compliment form
Round to nearest integerround.w.s fdest, fsrc
round.w.d fdest, fsrc
The floating-point stored in fsrc is rounded off to
nearest integer and stored in fdest in 2 ’s compliment form

Sample Question 3

Given a floating point number and an integer n, round off the floating point number to n digits.


Multiplty then given number with 10^n, and round off using round.w.d instruction. Divide the result by 10^n to obtain the final result.

  # Constants used for calculation 
  const1: .double 0.0 
  const2: .double 1.0 
  const3: .double 10.0 
  # User prompts 
  msg1: .asciiz "Enter the number : " 
  msg2: .asciiz "Enter number of digits to round off to: " 
  msg3: .asciiz "The rounded off number is: " 
.globl main 
  li $v0, 4     # Print msg1 
  la $a0, msg1 
  li $v0, 7     # Read number to round off 
  mov.d $f12, $f0    # $f12 = user input 
  li $v0, 4     # Print msg2 
  la $a0, msg2 
  li $v0, 7     # Read n 

  mov.d $f16, $f0    # $f16 = n 
  l.d $f4, const1    # $f4 used as a loop varibale 
                     # initialised to 0 
  l.d $f6, const2    # $f6 used to store 10^n 
  l.d $f8, const3    # $f8 used to store 10 for  
                     # calculating power 
  l.d $f10, const2   # $f10 used to store 1 for  
                     # incrementing loop variable 
  loop1:    # Loop to compute 10^n 
    c.eq.d $f4, $f16  # Ternminaltion Condition 
    bc1t end_loop1 
    mul.d $f6, $f6, $f8 # $f6 = $f6 * 10 
    add.d $f4, $f4, $f10  # $f4 = $f4 + 1 
    j loop1 
  mul.d $f12, $f12, $f6  # $f12 = $f12 * (10^n) 
  round.w.d $f12, $f12   # $f12 is rounded to nearest 
                         # integer 
  cvt.d.w $f12, $f12     # Output after rounding,  
                         # which is a word, is  
                         # converted back to double 
  div.d $f12, $f12, $f6  # $f12 = $f12 / (10^n) 
  li $v0, 4    # Print msg3 
  la $a0, msg3 
  li $v0, 3    # Print final answer 
  li $v0, 10   # Exit 