String Operations
Strings in MIPS can be declared as constant in the .data part of the program. They are often stored this way so that they can be used as user prompts or to format output of a program. Strings can also be entered by the user during the runtime of the program. Both methods of using strings in MIPS will be demonstrated below.
1. Entering string constants
Pre-determined strings enclosed by double quotes can be declared in the .data section.
Code to store the string “enter an element:” in memory under the name “message”:
message: .asciiz “enter an element:”
2. Enter strings as input from the user
To enter strings as input, the syscall code to be used is 8. Apart from that, the address of the memory space into which the string must be entered, is loaded into the $a0 register. The maximum size of the string must also be loaded into the $a1 register before performing the syscall.
Code to read a string as input from the user:
input: .space 100
inputsize: .word 100
li $v0, 8
la $a0, input
lw $a1, inputsize
3. Printing strings stored in memory
To print the required string, the syscall to be used is 4. The address of the string has to be loaded into the $a0 register.
Code to print a string named ‘message’ stored in memory:
li $v0, 4
la $a0, output
We have now learnt how to declare strings constants as well as how to store strings entered by the user. We shall now write a program combining both the concepts for a more robust understanding of basic string operations.
Code to read a string, with prompts instructing the user:
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# Prompt for the string to enter
li $v0, 4
la $a0, prompt
# Read the string.
li $v0, 8
la $a0, input
lw $a1, inputSize
# Output the text
li $v0, 4
la $a0, output
# Output the number
li $v0, 4
la $a0, input
# Exit the program
li $v0, 10
input: .space 81
inputSize: .word 80
prompt: .asciiz "Please enter a string: "
output: .asciiz "\nYou typed the string: "
Points To Note
The .space directive allocates n bytes of memory in the data region of the program, where n=81 in this program. Since the size of a character is 1 byte, this is equivalent to saving 80 characters for data. 81 was used here because in MIPS a sequence of ASCII characters is terminated by a null value (byte containing 0). This is known as a null terminator.
If the string the user enters is larger than the maximum size of the string, it is truncated to the maximum size. This is to prevent the program from accessing memory not allocated to the string.
String Operations (Advanced)
Null Character and Newline
When strings are created by using user input (code 8 passed to $vo), it forms a sequence of ASCII characters that are terminated by a newline character, followed by a NULL character. The newline character is triggered by the pressing of enter key during user input.
The ASCII code for newline is 10. Hence beq, $t1,10,label can be used as a comparing instruction
MIPS treats NULL character as a zero. Hence beqz, $t1, label can be used as a comparing instruction
String Traversal
Strings are made up of characters, in which each character occupies a byte. Hence, unlike an Integer Array, each character must be traversed byte by byte.
Eg: To find the length of a string (newline character need not be included)
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# assume string is input to str1
li $s1,0 #loop counter (i)
lb $t1,str1($s1) # $t1=str[i]
beq $t1,10,start # termination condition
addi $s1,$s1,1 # i=i+1
j len
li $v0,1 # print len=i
move $a0,$s1
If the newline character needs to be included in the length, beq should be replaced with beqz
String Concatenation
Concatenation of two strings can be done using 2 loops. The presence of newline and null character at the end of each string should be considered.
Consider two strings, str1 and str2. The following is the pseudocode and the code snippet for concatenating str2 to str1:
Pseudo Code:
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while str1[i]!='\n'
while str2[j]!='\0'
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i $s1,0 # i=0
li $s2,0 # j=0
lb $t1,str1($s1)
beq $t1,10,loop2
addi $s1,$s1,1 # i++
j loop1
lb $t1,str2($s2)
beqz $t1,end
sb $t1,str1($s1) # str1[i]=str[j]
addi $s1,$s1,1 # i++
addi $s2,$s2,1 # j++
j loop2
Palindrome Checking
A palindrome sequence that reads the same backwards as forwards. Palindrome checking uses two pointer method.
Assume a string str, whole length is n. Length of the string is calculated by previous method and stored in $s1. The following code snippet shows the while loop necessary for checking whether the string is palindrome
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addi $s1,$s1,-1 # j=n-1
li $s0,0 # i=0
lb $t1,str($s0)
lb $t2,str($s1)
bge $s0,$s1,true # if i>=j,exit loop. return True
bne $t1,$t2,false # if str[i]!=str[j], return False
addi $s0,$s0,1 # i++
addi $s1,$s1,-1 # j--
j for